On this page you will find the most recent Tribes Vengeance build, as well as a couple of other related things. If you are in need of (more) assistance, please Contact Us.

Tribes Revengeance

Installs the most extended version of Tribes Vengeance. This includes a ton of maps, cache files, performance tweaks, small fixes and much more!


Tribes Vengeance Single Player Add On

This installs the Single Player part of Tribes Vengeance. This Add-On is only necessary for those using an older build of the game. The most recent build has this included.

Engine.dll fix

Upgrades the old Engine.dll file. This fix is only necessary for those using an older build of the game and for those using an out of the box copy. This is included in the most recent build.

Engine.dll old

Original Engine.dll kept for archaeological reasons.