Hosting Tribes Vengeance on Linux

How to setup and optimize Tribes server on Linux

This guide is a high level overview on hosting tribes on Linux. I will not cover again what is said in Server Setup Guide. I assume that you are sufficiently familiar with Linux and terminal. This guide is written for Ubuntu server 18.04, however all commands can easily be translated for other distros.

TLDR: The server is run via Wine. Tribes needs GUI output, for which we use Xvfb.


  1. Install prerequisites: wine, p7zip-full, xvfb
  • sudo apt install -y wine p7zip-full xvfb
  1. Create Tribes installation folder, I will use /Tribes
  2. Either
  1. Configure xvfb systemd service.
  2. Experimentally start game server on xvfb display DISPLAY=:1 wine /Tribes/Program/Bin/Beta_Dedicated_Server.exe. Make sure that it works properly.
  3. Configure game server systemd service.

Systemd services

Systemd is a Linux equivalent to Windows services. Systemd service can be started/stopped/enabled/disabled and set to autostart and autorestart. For example to configure xvfb:

  1. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/xvfb.service Service are placed into this directory
  2. Paste/edit (service config)[#Xvfb]
  3. sudo systemctl daemon-reload This makes systemd load updated config
  4. sudo systemctl start xvfb This starts a service
  5. sudo systemctl status xvfb Print status (running/dead) and last logs
  6. sudo systemctl enable xvfb Enables xvfb service to autostart


Description=X Virtual Frame Buffer Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac


Game server

Description=Tribes Vengeance Main server




  • You can use low-latency kernel
  • You can use tuned-adm profile network-latency to tune for low network latency (at the cost of power consumption)
  • Set Wine process to be high priority. You can also use path your kernel with a deadline scheduler and use deadline priority
  • You can set WINEDEBUG=-all environment variable which disables Wine debug information. This could help with performance.
  • Make sure that you optimize settings for your system like buffer sizes and so on
  • Network connection or network card seems to be more important than CPU
  • You can configure a VNC server to show your xvfb display, you can then see game log via VNC. This does not work very well hovever.

Useful scripts



CONFIG_PATH=/Tribes/Program/Config/$name.ini node /Tribes/Program/Scripts/shuffleMaps.js

export WINEDEBUG=-all

cd ../Bin
wine Beta_Dedicated_Server.exe "${map}?game=${mode}?maxplayers=32?mutator=$mutator" -server "ini=../Config/${name}.ini" "log=../Logs/${name}_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S).log"


NodeJs utility that shuffles maps in TV config.ini. On our server it runs every midnight via CRON.

var fs = require('fs')
var filePath = process.env.CONFIG_PATH;'CONFIG_PATH =', filePath);
if(!filePath || !fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
        console.error('CONFIG_PATH not set or pointing to nonexistent file');

// load all the lines from CONFIG_PATH
var lines = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8')
    .filter(Boolean);'Maps in:', lines.filter(function(line){ return /^Maps=/i.test(line) }).map(function(line){ return line.replace(/^Maps=/i, '') }));

// find all lines matching ^Maps= regex
var shuffleAbleLines = lines
        .map(function(line, i){ return { text: line, lineN: i } })
        .filter(function(line){ return /^Maps=/i.test(line.text) })
        .map(function(line){ return line.lineN });

// randomly select two lines and switch them in lines array
for(var i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
        var sourceLine = shuffleAbleLines[Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffleAbleLines.length)];
        var targetLine = shuffleAbleLines[Math.floor(Math.random() * shuffleAbleLines.length)];

        var acc = lines[sourceLine];
        lines[sourceLine] = lines[targetLine];
        lines[targetLine] = acc;
}'Maps out:', lines.filter(function(line){ return /^Maps=/i.test(line) }).map(function(line){ return line.replace(/^Maps=/i, '') }));

// save lines back to the CONFIG_PATH
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, lines.join('\r\n'));

This sets proper priorities to the server process. We run it every second via CRON. You need to have sysctl utility that can set processor affinity and a chrt utility for deadline scheduling.


id=$(pgrep -f 'Beta_Dedicated_Server')

sysctl -w kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us=-1
taskset -pca 0 $id
chrt --deadline --sched-period 1000000 --pid 0 "$id"